What You Can Do

Climate change refers to a long-term shift in average weather patterns. Decades of burning fossil fuels and other human activities have released dangerous levels of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases (GHGs), which include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides, are driving significant changes in our climate. 

Columbia is not exempt from the impacts of climate change, which have resulted from years of GHG emissions. Columbia is experiencing more frequent and severe heat waves and heavy rain events. Extended periods of high temperatures lead to increased stress on the human body, higher risk and severity of wildfires, and added strain on the power grid. The rising frequency of intense rain and thunderstorms also increases the risk of flooding and can degrade water quality due to excess stormwater runoff, which releases pollutants into the environment.

So, what can you do today to stop climate change and help the climate crisis? Most of us cannot simply go off the grid or live a completely zero-waste lifestyle, but there are simple actions you can take to make a difference. And who knows? Maybe you’ll inspire a movement of your own!

If you’re in need of some inspiration to get you started, here are some sustainable habits you should consider getting into. 


Your actions can make a big difference in Columbia's clean energy future! 

Understanding energy inefficiencies at your business may be your first step in saving money on your electric costs. Contact Columbia Water & Light for help!
Install solar panels on your home with Columbia Water & Light's solar rebates.

Housing, Buildings & Development

There are a number of programs to support Columbia in our effort to reduce energy use.

Residential - Reduce energy use with Columbia Water & Light's rebates and loans.
Commercial - Reduce energy use with Columbia Water & Light's rebates and loans.


Find out how it is to get around without a car! Biking and walking are great forms of exercise and also help reduce our emissions.

You can bike and bus at the same time.
Learn about our bike routes.
Learn about how bike-friendly Columbia is.



Take action today to minimize what you send to the landfill.

More than one third of the waste we send to the landfill is organic material that can be composted.
Learn about easy ways to reduce, reuse, repurpose, repair and then... recycle

Health, Safety & Well-Being

All Columbians need to be actively engaged in our resilient future.

The Show Me The Relief mobile map application is useful if you’re out and about town on a hot day and you need refreshment or reprieve from the heat. Find the nearest cooling center, water fountain, splash park, or pool. Click on the button below for a description and directions to the location.
Three markets in Columbia offer locally grown and produced food, flowers, plants and other products.
If you are a homeowner or a renter looking for assistance with keeping your utility bills low check out CMCA's weatherization program!

Natural Resources

Columbia has a wealth of natural resources that help keep our air and water clean and provide recreational benefits.

On average, a residential home in Columbia uses 3,740 gallons of water per month, with toilets accounting for more than 25% of that use.
Keep our streams clean by volunteering to pick-up litter
Consider Native Plants in Your Yard.