Embracing Climate Progress in Columbia: A New Year's Celebration

Embracing Climate Progress in Columbia - New Years

2024 is nearly here, and we have a lot more to celebrate than just the new year! Here in Columbia, 2023 saw remarkable strides towards sustainability and progress on our Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP)– and this year will be no different.

This month, we’re reflecting on the progress we saw in 2023, and how we’re continuing our work in the new year. But we can’t reach our goals alone: to create a truly sustainable and resilient future, everyone in our city needs to take action – big or small. Check out the high-impact green New Year’s resolutions we’ve listed below, or refresh your resolutions by revisiting last year’s printable PDF!

Show Me the Heat: Moving to Implementation

Throughout 2023, we shared results of our initial Show Me The Heat: Columbia Heat Mapping Campaign with our community. We also hosted a series of neighborhood talking circles to identify our community’s needs in regard to extreme heat preparation and co-create priority projects that will mitigate urban heat impacts with local experts and city staff. A team of staff, local experts, and community organizations developed a priority action plan that is expected to begin implementation in the very near future.

CAAP Teams: Driving Change Together

2023 also saw great work from Columbia’s CAAP teams, which pull together staff from across City departments and the City Council to create, refine, and execute actions from the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. 

29 different divisions and 10 City departments make up these teams – over 40 municipal employees working together to make a more sustainable and resilient Columbia!

Check out our newly published CAAP Teams Page to learn more about the teams and their process in CAAP implementation.

Staying on Track with the CAAP

Columbia has also continued to make progress on our CAAP, which lays out a vision and strategy to address the risks posed by climate change and contribute to international efforts to draw down greenhouse gas emissions. Through targeted action, our City is increasing our renewable energy supply, improving energy efficiency, and reducing emissions created by solid waste. 

We’ll continue this progress in 2024, taking actions that will create a more safe, sustainable, and healthy city for all Columbia residents.

All sustainable actions, big and small, contribute to Columbia’s greener future. However, some actions that target our highest sources of emissions (like the power in our homes and vehicles) can have exponentially larger impacts our our climate goals and environment.

If you’re ready to take a larger step in your sustainability journey, we have a few suggestions for high-impact green New Year’s resolutions that will bring your climate commitment to the next level:

  1. Electrify Your Home: Explore options to transition your home appliances and systems to electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Specifically, installing an energy-efficient, electric heat pump will both heat and cool your home – contributing to both comfort and sustainability all while lowering your utility costs. See Columbia Power Partners’ residential programs page to explore how to know what electrification steps are right for you and how you can move forward with greener home appliances.

  1. Go Solar: How can you ensure that even your electricity use isn’t contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution? Consider getting started with solar energy for your home or water heater. See the Columbia Water & Light Getting Started With Solar page to learn what the solar installation process may look like for your home, how you can save on installation costs with rebates and incentive programs, and how much energy and money you can save with solar installation.
  2. Consider Electric for Your Next Vehicle: In the market for a new vehicle? Consider opting for an electric or hybrid model, reducing carbon emissions and promoting cleaner transportation. If you’re ready to go electric with your next vehicle, see available rebates and credits for new EVs or check out Columbia’s incentive programs for EV charger installation at your home. 


Your involvement is key to the continued success of Columbia's sustainability journey. Whether it's making small changes in your lifestyle or actively participating in community initiatives, every action counts! If you want a more expanded list of actions, see our printable checklist from last year for more ideas for greener, more sustainable New Year’s resolutions